About Us

Családi vállalkozásunk 1999 óta van jelen az informatikai szolgáltatások piacán. Fő profilunk az automatizálás. Több évtizedes tapasztalattal rendelkezünk az informatikai rendszerek fejlesztésében. Cégünk IoT (Internet of Things) technológiával, automatizálással és mikrokontroller programozással, valamint beágyazott Linux és machine-learning fejlesztéssel foglalkozik, hogy segítsük a kis és nagy vállalatokat az értékteremtő megoldásaik fejlesztésében. Kisvállalatok számára olyan megfizethető, skálázható és testreszabható megoldásokat kínálunk, amelyek segítségével könnyedén érhetnek el piaci növekedést. Nagyvállalatok esetében pedig komplexebb projektekben is részt veszünk, amelyeknek célja az átfogó vállalati folyamatok optimalizálása és digitalizálása. 

From designing and sourcing electronic devices to firmware programming and implementing user interfaces, trust us with everything! 


IoT technology is a revolutionary field that enables the establishment of intelligent connections between machines, devices, and systems. These connections can make businesses more efficient, smarter, and more economical. Embedded systems are specialized computers or computing systems designed for a single task and integrated into other devices. When these two technologies are combined, they enable the creation of intelligent and automated systems, allowing businesses to automate virtually any process or activity. This can increase efficiency and reduce costs.


How will we work together?


Our goal is to achieve efficient and effective automation solutions tailored to your specific needs within your budget constraints. We aim to collaborate with you to explore various possibilities and find the best solution that aligns with our goals. Once we identify the most suitable option, we are committed to moving forward in a direction approved by you, ensuring that it meets your requirements and expectations. 


We will provide the necessary technological background for the implementation of the project according to your needs, including hardware design, manufacturing, procurement, and comprehensive software development. However, if you have trusted professionals or teams for specific tasks, we are open to collaborating with them. For instance, if you already have a team for firmware development for an existing system developed by others, we would be happy to work with them.


We will deliver the ordered system (whether it's hardware, software, firmware, or a combination) for you to test over a pre-agreed period. At the end of the testing period, we guarantee our work for bug fixes. For hardware devices, we will adhere to the warranty period as defined by the relevant regulations. Thank you for entrusting us with this project, and we are committed to ensuring its success. 

Useful Info:

Online consultation

Of course, if needed, we can arrange for a personal meeting, but if the task doesn't require it, we can also meet online via a platform of your choice. This way, we are available throughout the entire country.

Digital billing

We have already forgotten about paper-based documents.


We save you time, money, and energy, and even for contract signing, a personal meeting is not necessarily required.

Contact Us:

+3630 6498789
+3670 3146459

robotszoft( at )robotszoft.hu

kovacs.gabriella( at )robotszoft.hu

6223 Soltszentimre, Dózsa György utca 63.
